Dojin Work

Type: TV Series

Plot Summary: * Based on a 4-koma comedy manga by the well-known doujin mangaka Hiroyuki, serialised in Manga Time Kirara.The protagonist, Osana Najimi, sets foot in the world of Dojin-shi (self-published manga) when she is invited by her classmate, Tsuyuri. At first, she experiences culture shock, but is also influenced by Tsuyuri and Justice, a very popular dojin author and her childhood friend. She then announces that she intends to make a killing in the dojin market. Although Najimi is not good at drawing, she is determined. On her long road to success, both fans and rivals appear.Source: AnimeNfo

Genre: Comedy , Slice of Life

Released: 2007

Status: Completed

Dojin Work
