
Type: TV Series

Plot Summary: Campion is anime about Kusanagi Godo is a 16-year-old high school boy and Erica Brandelli is a 16-year-old Italian girl. They fight together to defeat Verethragna. Campion is anime about Kusanagi Godo is a 16-year-old high school boy and Erica Brandelli is a 16-year-old Italian girl. They fight together to defeat Verethragna. When was just 15 years old, Godo killed the god “Verethragna” and get the title of “Campione (god killer)”. Erica is a “Great Knight” of the magic society “Bronze Black Cross”. After getting  title of “Campione”, Godo have to in battles against other Campiones and uncontrollable gods.

Genre: Comedy , Ecchi , Fantasy , Harem , Magic , Romance

Released: 2012

Status: Completed

